Family of 4

Family of 4

Monday, September 27, 2010

Pictures at Wheeler Farm

Bryn and I went to Wheeler Farm on Saturday for a little bit to appear at our extended Madsen family reunion and to take some pictures! We decided on a new tradition that we'll take pics of us every two years (last time was our wedding). It was kind of weird because we felt like we were engaged again and there were plenty of people around who probably thought we were. But who cares! Being engaged was fun. 
And being married is more fun. 

I liked the picture above because it was a little more spontaneous 
than posed (believe it or not) and I like Bryndon's "smile lines." 
Totally a posed shot... 
(we were there to take pictures, weren't we?)
I thought Bryndon looked particularly handsome that day.

Don't we women like when a beautiful man looks at us like that? 

Yay for the "Rec Mode" on our camera!  
It allowed us to have our professional photographers 
(my sister Grace and aunt Marcia) 
to hold down the button while the camera took a whole bunch 
of pictures in a row. That way we could move a little bit to 
try different poses and most likely (most hopefully) there 
was at least one where we both have a normal smile.  
And by the way, the weather was gorgeous. 
September is Bryndon's favorite month of the year 
and it is quickly becoming mine as well!


Tina said...

You two are adorable and YES I love it when Tyler looks at me the way Bryndon looked at you in the pictures!! How cute!!

Elisabeth (and Tyler) said...

SUCH GREAT pictures!! Will you email me a couple of your favorites? I'd like to print some out for a little book for Luke. Thanks!